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The 3 Components of Leadership for Team Development and Success

To work as a team, every member of the group must be committed to a common purpose—and share in both helping to achieve that purpose and accepting responsibility for the outcome. And that requires leadership.

5 Steps for Managing Difficult People

As a manager, you’re expected to remain professional and evaluate team members strictly on their performance. Still, from time to time, you’re bound to struggle with how to manage someone you find “difficult.”

Having Successful Dialogues Across Cultures: Why Context Counts

In just about every work environment, the practice of having dialogues is vital to improving efficiency, fixing problems, sparking innovation, and maintaining high levels of employee performance and morale. A dialogue is more than a discussion, where coworkers talk together about a project, goal, or

Finding Your Leadership Style: Transactional vs. Transformational

Being an effective leader requires developing several core qualities and skills—courage, empathy, accountability, integrity, flexibility, active listening, and the ability to communicate across cultures with clarity and respect among them. It also depends on finding your style. Of all the various st

Vital Assertive Communication Skills for Women in Business

For career success, team collaboration and the ability to deliver business results, nothing is more vital than communication. Effective communication is essential—it’s the process that integrates the organization. For women in the workplace, being skilled in productive and assertive communication is

3 Keys to Finding Your Authentic Leadership Voice

Great leadership is built on a foundation of trust—and establishing trust begins with great interactions. That’s where the power of communication comes in. To be a successful leader, at any level in any organization, you must communicate with clarity and confidence, consistently. And that requires f

A 5-Step Model for Effective Training Sessions

When planning a training session for your team or a presentation for a larger audience of employees or colleagues, it’s crucial to ensure that the instructional and informational content you create is on target, clear and effective.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence: 4 Cornerstones for Success

It’s not a mystical gift or an inborn characteristic. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a valuable skill that, with dedication and effort, just about anyone can develop. And for today’s business leaders, developing EI is definitely not optional. In any organization, the most effective leaders are credi

The 5 A’s of Leadership Communication to Build Trust and Loyalty

Why should anyone want to work for someone they can’t trust? Earning the trust of your team members is crucial to motivating their performance and securing their loyalty.

3 Steps to Leading Strategy Execution for Short-Term Tasks and Long-Term Success

Whether it’s repositioning, outsourcing, undertaking a new technology, launching a new initiative, or expanding into new markets, executing a strategic goal is an involved process.