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Decision Makers Beware: 9 Persuasion Tactics That Illicit Strong Emotions

Persuasion is one of the most valuable and widely used skills in business. Essential to sales, marketing, and negotiation, persuasion also plays a critical role in getting co-workers to support your ideas and advocate for your suggestions, aligning team members with project goals and the company’s v

New Manager’s 30-60-90 Day Plan for Success

Set yourself up for success as a new manager with a thoughtful and actionable 90 day plan. Learn what looks like plus examples to get started.

5 Facts of Conscious Communication

In all aspects of life but especially in the workplace, effective communication is about much more than choosing your words. Along with what you say, how you say it—your tone of voice, inflection, volume and rate of speech—and how you look when you’re saying it routinely affect whether your message

5 Steps for Managing Difficult People

As a manager, you’re expected to remain professional and evaluate team members strictly on their performance. Still, from time to time, you’re bound to struggle with how to manage someone you find “difficult.”

Finding Your Leadership Style: Transactional vs. Transformational

Being an effective leader requires developing several core qualities and skills—courage, empathy, accountability, integrity, flexibility, active listening, and the ability to communicate across cultures with clarity and respect among them. It also depends on finding your style. Of all the various st

Vital Assertive Communication Skills for Women in Business

For career success, team collaboration and the ability to deliver business results, nothing is more vital than communication. Effective communication is essential—it’s the process that integrates the organization. For women in the workplace, being skilled in productive and assertive communication is

Tips for Effective Employee Training: Writing SMART Learning Objectives

Employee training isn’t reserved for professional trainers. When new technologies demand new proficiencies from existing team members, when new hires need to get up to speed on established procedures, when teamwork gets derailed by poor planning or communication, or when an individual’s performance

Leading with Emotional Intelligence: 4 Cornerstones for Success

It’s not a mystical gift or an inborn characteristic. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a valuable skill that, with dedication and effort, just about anyone can develop. And for today’s business leaders, developing EI is definitely not optional. In any organization, the most effective leaders are credi

5 Tips for Listening and Asking Questions to Improve Persuasive Communication

In all kinds of business interactions, from presenting a proposal to executive decision makers to collaborating on a project with team members to closing a sale with a customer, persuasion is critical to achieving goals and getting results.

3 Key Interpersonal Skills for Workplace Communication

To ensure quality results, whether you’re collaborating on a project, delegating a task, or managing a team, it’s absolutely essential that what you intend to say comes across correctly to your listener.