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New Manager Challenges

Becoming a new manager is exciting but not without its challenges. Consider these common new manager challenges and how to prepare for them.

New Manager Mistakes: Avoid These Don’ts

When starting your journey as a new manager, avoid these common new manager mistakes.

New Manager’s 30-60-90 Day Plan for Success

Set yourself up for success as a new manager with a thoughtful and actionable 90 day plan. Learn what looks like plus examples to get started.

A 5-Step Model for Effective Training Sessions

When planning a training session for your team or a presentation for a larger audience of employees or colleagues, it’s crucial to ensure that the instructional and informational content you create is on target, clear and effective.

Tips for Effective Employee Training: Writing SMART Learning Objectives

Employee training isn’t reserved for professional trainers. When new technologies demand new proficiencies from existing team members, when new hires need to get up to speed on established procedures, when teamwork gets derailed by poor planning or communication, or when an individual’s performance

New Skills for the New Workplace

So much has changed in the workplace and the world at large since March 2020.

10 Tips for Creating a Positive Learning Experience for WFH Trainees

To nurture emerging leaders and increase engagement, keep these pointers in mind when administering virtual training.

Developing Leadership Talent During the New Normal of Remote Learning

The concept of working from home (WFH) may seem like the latest novelty fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remote Learning for Executives: Creating New Opportunities

One of the biggest complaints regarding executive education and training prior to the pandemic was the lack of application of skills learned in the workplace.

Challenges in Talent Acquisition and Management

Diversity and inclusion are an ever more important part of our society.