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4 Steps to Planning a Successful Negotiation

From the experts at AMA, here are four steps, plus proven strategies and helpful tips, to planning a successful negotiation that adds value for both parties.

The 3 Components of Leadership for Team Development and Success

To work as a team, every member of the group must be committed to a common purpose—and share in both helping to achieve that purpose and accepting responsibility for the outcome. And that requires leadership.

Managing and Leading: 6 Key Distinctions

Whether you’re a senior executive or a division supervisor, leading and managing are both important job functions. Success requires both leadership ability and management ability.

5 Facts of Conscious Communication

In all aspects of life but especially in the workplace, effective communication is about much more than choosing your words. Along with what you say, how you say it—your tone of voice, inflection, volume and rate of speech—and how you look when you’re saying it routinely affect whether your message

5 Steps of Effective Succession Planning

An organization is only as good as its people, it’s often said. So, to keep good people and ensure the stability and success of your organization, it’s vital to manage the succession of talent.

Finding Your Leadership Style: Transactional vs. Transformational

Being an effective leader requires developing several core qualities and skills—courage, empathy, accountability, integrity, flexibility, active listening, and the ability to communicate across cultures with clarity and respect among them. It also depends on finding your style. Of all the various st

Vital Assertive Communication Skills for Women in Business

For career success, team collaboration and the ability to deliver business results, nothing is more vital than communication. Effective communication is essential—it’s the process that integrates the organization. For women in the workplace, being skilled in productive and assertive communication is

A 5-Step G.U.I.D.E. to Coaching Employees

As a manager, you need to do more than assign tasks and then hold your employees accountable for delivering outstanding results. To ensure successful outcomes, you need to instruct, train, motivate, and inspire the people on your team.

9 Key Roles of Change Leaders

From adopting new technologies to adapting to meet increased customer expectations, change is essential to business survival.

4 Steps for Conducting a Painless Performance Appraisal

Nearly everyone dreads them. Performance appraisals are challenging—to both managers and their team members.