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Decision Makers Beware: 9 Persuasion Tactics That Illicit Strong Emotions

Persuasion is one of the most valuable and widely used skills in business. Essential to sales, marketing, and negotiation, persuasion also plays a critical role in getting co-workers to support your ideas and advocate for your suggestions, aligning team members with project goals and the company’s v

4 Steps to Managing Your Time and Work

Time is one of our most valuable resources, and, as we all know, it’s limited. Like most of us, you’re probably familiar with that uneasy, panicky feeling of not having enough time to do everything that needs to get done in your workday—even if you work overtime.

5 Components for Successful Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge is gained through context, skill-building, collaboration, application, focus, engagement, and commitment—and easily lost through turnover, a crisis, or other disruption.

4 Steps to Planning a Successful Negotiation

From the experts at AMA, here are four steps, plus proven strategies and helpful tips, to planning a successful negotiation that adds value for both parties.

6 Success Factors for Process Improvement Projects

Ultimately, every company in business wants to do whatever their business does faster, cheaper, and better. One way to support that universal goal is by improving a company’s processes—the ongoing, repetitive sequence of tasks used to get results—with a project.

New Manager Mistakes: Avoid These Don’ts

When starting your journey as a new manager, avoid these common new manager mistakes.

5 Steps for Managing Difficult People

As a manager, you’re expected to remain professional and evaluate team members strictly on their performance. Still, from time to time, you’re bound to struggle with how to manage someone you find “difficult.”

3 Keys to Finding Your Authentic Leadership Voice

Great leadership is built on a foundation of trust—and establishing trust begins with great interactions. That’s where the power of communication comes in. To be a successful leader, at any level in any organization, you must communicate with clarity and confidence, consistently. And that requires f

A 5-Step Model for Effective Training Sessions

When planning a training session for your team or a presentation for a larger audience of employees or colleagues, it’s crucial to ensure that the instructional and informational content you create is on target, clear and effective.

Tips for Effective Employee Training: Writing SMART Learning Objectives

Employee training isn’t reserved for professional trainers. When new technologies demand new proficiencies from existing team members, when new hires need to get up to speed on established procedures, when teamwork gets derailed by poor planning or communication, or when an individual’s performance